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Christmas Production - 2021

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Oak Class Sports Day - July 2021

Well done to all those that took part in Sports Day. Watch the video below:

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Virtual Bedtime Stories - 2nd March 2021

To view our virtual bedtime story event that took part on Zoom on 2nd March 2021 please click on the link below:

Virtual Bedtime Stories

Christmas Wishes - Oak Class

To view the Christmas performance from Oak class please click on the link below:

Christmas Wishes

The Nativity - Willow Class

Willow Class are so excited to present to you our production of 'The Nativity'! The children have worked so hard learning the songs and loved dressing up in their costumes! We know it is not the 'traditional' way in which we usually do our nativity but we hope that this gives you a little Christmas magic! So grab a cuppa and enjoy!

Please click the link below to view:

The Nativity  - by Willow Class Dec 2020

Remembrance Day - 11.11.2020

A video marking this year Remembrance Day Service held at all the primaries within WNAT can be viewed below:

Remembrance Day - 11.11.2020

Please click on the links below to view the poems read by Year 2 and 5 to mark this years Remembrance Day