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Friends of SPS

Friends of Snettisham Primary School:

We are a team of enthusiastic parents and members of the local community who work together to raise funds for the school in a variety of ways. We meet once a month to discuss our forthcoming events. We try and run activities that will appeal to everyone from car boot sales to quiz nights, fashion shows to coach trips! It is the dedicated ‘Friends’ committee that provide the refreshments on school events, such as the Easter Fun Morning and Christmas Fair.

The money we make provides extra items for the benefit of pupils. ‘Friends’ have donated many items for the school; butterfly life cycle packs, playground games and prizes for special occasions.  We donate money towards whole school trips and have paid for theatre groups to perform in school.

We are very happy to give time, energy and support to a school which our children so enjoy being part of.

If you would like to join our friendly committee, please come along to one of our meetings which are publicised on the front notice board, or pop into school for more information.

Rebecca Chilvers 