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Letters Home 2020-2021

Here you will find copies of letters sent home from the school:

  1. Laptops For Loan Letter and Agreement - Birch Class
  2. Kenhill Visits
  3. Full Reopening of School on Monday 8th March 2021
  4. School Closure - 5th Jan 2021
  5. Returning to school on 4th Jan 2021 - as at 31.12.2020
  6. FOR PARENTS OF CLOSE CONTACTS OF COVID 19 at Snettisham Primary
  7. NCC Parent Letter re Christmas holiday COVID Info
  8. NCC Digital Exclusion Poster
  9. Free School Meals are you eligible?
  10. Christmas lunch order form
  11. Parents Evening During November 2020 - 21.10.2020
  12. Reporting your childs absence - 21.10.2020
  13. COVID-19 Symptom Reminder Letter - 19.10.2020
  14. NHS Test and Trace Symptoms Reminder and Testing Information
  15. Advice to Parents - Confirmed Case of COVID-19 at Snettisham Primary School - 01.10.20
  16. Public Health England - Letter for parents about COVID-19 symptoms - 23rd September
  17. Home Learning Policy - Information Letter - Sept 2020
  18. Class Dojo - Information Letter to Parents
  19. Attendance at School and Fixed penalty Notice Letter - 14.9.20
  20. September Opening Information for Parents - 14th July 2020
  21. Parent Update - Reopening of SPS - 8th June 2020
  22. Parent Update - Reopening of Schools June 2020 - Reception, Years 1 and 6
  23. Parent Update - Reopening of School - June 2020 - Years 2 3 4 and 5
  24. Norfolk County Council - Support During Coronavirus Crisis - Parent Information - 01.04.2020
  25. COVID-19 Letter -SPS Updates - School info for Critical Workers - 22nd March 2020
  26. COVID-19 Letter - SPS Updates - 21st March 2020
  27. COVID-19 Letter - SPS Updates - 20th March 2020
  28. Coronavirus-COVID-19 - SPS Updates - Letter to Parents - 17.03.2020
  29. Operation Encompass Parent Letter June 2018
  30. What to know and when to go booklet