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Snettisham Primary School

Safeguarding Children and Internet Safety

We as a school are committed to ensuring the safety and well being of our children at all times. We do this by providing a safe environment for them to learn and develop whether this be in the classroom or using external resources found on the Internet.

In this section of our website, you will find details of our safeguarding practises and our internet safety procedures which you can also use and follow at home.

Safeguarding Children 

Schools play a large part in protecting children. We aim to provide a safe environment that is conducive to learning. We also aim to identify children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, and take appropriate steps to keep them safe in school and at home when required.

To read our full Safeguarding Policy please click here to go to our policies page.

As a school there are set government guidelines which we have to adhere to regarding the safeguarding of our children. Some of these are listed below:

There are also many useful websites relating to safeguarding.  Below are a few that could be helpful should you think a child requires help. Please click on the links below to view:

If you have any issues regarding the safety of a child then please do not hesitate to contact the school to talk to a member of staff.


Operation Encompass

Encompass has been set up to help school provide support to children who have been present at incidents of domestic violence. 

Snettisham Primary School will be taking part in this jointly run operation with Norfolk County Council and Norfolk Police.

The school will receive a confidential phone call from the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub before 9am on the morning after any domestic incident where a child at our school had been involved, present or witnessed.

The information is given to the school's key adults who will then enable support to be given dependent on the needs and wishes of the child.

We are keen to offer the best support possible to our pupils, and we believe this is going to be extremely beneficial to all those involved.

For further information please download the letter sent to parents here.

For more information on Operation Encompass please click here.

Internet Safety 

In this section, you will learn how you and your children can stay safe on-line.  We hope that together you will enjoy using the Internet, and have fun, but please remember to use the Internet safely.

To read our Online Safety Policy please click here.

More information for parents can be found on our WNAT Online Safety Video for Parents below:

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InternetMatters.Org have a wealth of information on their website and have produced a series of leaflets for parents that will help your child to safely and confidently explore the digital world:

Online safety: Top Tips

Online safety tips for parents of pre-school children 0-5 Year Olds

Online safety tips for parents of primary school children 6-10 Year Olds

Internet and Mobile Phone Use - A Guide for Parents 

Online safety tips for parents of 11-13 Year Olds

Please click on the links below to view some Internet safety guidelines that can be followed at home:


BBC Stay Safe Disney Internet Safety Link Grid Club 7 Conversation Topics

Age Rating Guide

App Store Parents Guide

Catfishing Parents Guide Engaging with Parents

FIFA Parents Guide

Fake News Parents Guide

Fortnite GTA Parents Guide

House Party App Parents Guide

Instagram Parents Guide

Live Streaming Parents Guide Minecraft Parents Guide

Online Bullying Guide

Online Grooming

Reddit Parents Guide Roblox Parents Guide

Screen Addiction Parents Guide

Tik-Tok Parents Guide

YouTube Parents Guide Social Media and Mental Health 
Supporting Children's
Mental Health -
10 Conversation Starters for Parents


Other useful Websites: